
This example shows usage of the Eva object, used for controlling Eva, reading Eva’s current state and responding to different events triggered by Eva’s operation.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from evasdk import Eva
import json

# This example shows usage of the Eva object, used for controlling Eva,
# reading Eva's current state and responding to different events triggered
# by Eva's operation.

host_ip = input("Please enter a Eva IP: ")
token = input("Please enter a valid Eva token: ")

eva = Eva(host_ip, token)

# Send Eva to a waypoint
with eva.lock():
    eva.control_go_to([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

# Print Eva's toolpaths
toolpaths = eva.toolpaths_list()
outToolpaths = []
for toolpathItem in toolpaths:
    toolpath = eva.toolpaths_retrieve(toolpathItem['id'])

# Create a basic toolpath and execute it
toolpath = {
    "metadata": {
        "version": 2,
        "default_max_speed": 0.25,
        "payload": 0,
        "analog_modes": {
            "i0": "voltage",
            "i1": "voltage",
            "o0": "voltage",
            "o1": "voltage"
        "next_label_id": 3
    "waypoints": [{
        "label_id": 1,
        "joints": [0, 0.5235987755982988, -1.7453292519943295, 0, -1.9198621771937625, 0]
    }, {
        "label_id": 2,
        "joints": [0.18392622441053394, 0.8259819316864014, -2.050006151199341, 0.1785774528980255, -1.6037521743774412, -0.549331545829773]
    "timeline": [{
        "type": "home",
        "waypoint_id": 0
    }, {
        "type": "trajectory",
        "trajectory": "joint_space",
        "waypoint_id": 1
    }, {
        "type": "trajectory",
        "trajectory": "joint_space",
        "waypoint_id": 0

with eva.lock():

This example shows usage of the eva_ws and eva_http modules, used for direct control using the network interfaces. eva_http also contains some helper functions not contained in the public API, such as lock_wait_for.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from evasdk import Eva

# This example shows usage of the eva_ws and eva_http modules, used for direct control
# using the network interfaces. eva_http also contains some helper functions not
# contained in the public API, such as lock_wait_for.

host_ip = input("Please enter a Eva IP: ")
token = input("Please enter a valid Eva token: ")

print(f'ip: [{host_ip}], token: [{token}]\n')

eva = Eva(host_ip, token)

users = eva.users_get()
print(f'Eva at {host_ip} users: {users}\n')

joint_angles = eva.data_servo_positions()
print(f'Eva current joint angles: {joint_angles}')

with eva.websocket() as ws:
    ws.register('state_change', print)
    input('press return when you want to stop\n')